Rockport that is...
Ashton and I enjoyed every minute we spent at Rockport during the 2007 Annual Jones Family Camp Out. We stayed busy in so many different ways...
Playing on the Beach and enjoying the sun.
Entertaining the other inmates!
Solitary Confinement...
Complete relaxation at the fire.
We put Ashton in a jumpsuit in order to recognize him as a true member of "Double Trouble"
Mooning Everyone!
This is a well mastered trick that requires the right genetic chemistry. As you can tell by this angle, Ashton is truly his father's son. No shame in sharing the little dimples while pinching a penny.
Walking the yard.
Playing "Patty Cake, Patty Cake - Baker's Man"
I just "kneed" a little more Dad time!
Does anyone have a snack?
Showing off our teeth!
The calendar is already marked for the next Annual Jones Family Camp out. We will need a year to recover from all the excitement. Ashton's personality is starting to blossom. He will definitely let us know what is on his mind. However, at this point he can always be persuaded with fancy treat. This is yet another genetically inherited trait. This boy can eat. We are gearing up to be a linebacker right now, but at this pace a defensive end may be in the picture.
The blog looks incredible! Okay, you guys are definately the absolute cutest! "The position" picture is great. We loved the quick recap of the camp-out and we too are looking forward to next year!
Love you guys!
I love that boy! You are the cutest dad with him and it is obvious in these pictures how much he loves being with you. Can't wait to follow the new blog.
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